Explore our resources to celebrate this joyous Jewish holiday.
Isn’t Purim just Jewish halloween? Well yes and no. Purim is a joyous holiday that recounts the saving of the Jewish people. The Purim story celebrates Esther’s bravery, Mordechai’s wisdom and BOOOOO Haman. Purim is a community celebration that includes the reading of the Scroll of Esther, called the Megillah. Some Jewish communities put on a Purim shpiel, or play, that usually pokes fun at community leaders or relates somehow to what’s happening in the world. Kids can enjoy fun festivities such as attending a carnival, dressing up in costumes and eating tasty hamantaschens (triangular jam-filled cookies).
Purim is a joyous holiday that recounts the saving of the Jewish people. The Purim story celebrates Esther’s bravery, Mordechai’s wisdom and BOOOOO Haman.
Purim is a community celebration that includes the reading of the Scroll of Esther, called the Megillah. Some Jewish communities put on a Purim shpiel, or play, that usually pokes fun at community leaders or relates somehow to what’s happening in the world. Kids can enjoy fun festivities such as attending a carnival, dressing up in costumes and eating tasty hamantaschens (triangular jam-filled cookies). Purim is easily the most fun holiday in the Jewish calendar. This video talks about all of the great traditions! Learn More
Sometimes, someone has to take a stand to set things right. Sometimes…that someone…is YOU. Meet Esther, the young woman at the middle of the famous Purim story. Follow her as she gets swept up into history, leaving her jump rope, her people, and her cheering section behind…maybe.
Purim Source Sheet
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Purim Lesson Guide
This project was made possible with generous support from The Koret Foundation, as part of its Initiative on Jewish Peoplehood.
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